Saturday, February 20, 2010

William's video contest results

Wow! 56 people entered the video contest! But he said there can only be 3 main winners, bummer. So here are the main winners:

Nitrogen. His video was meow,meow,meow....He won 2 weeks of free citizenship! Well done!

Mcfreddy. His video was The cow song....He won a camera! Congrats!

Shadedude9. His video was peanut butter jelly time....interesting....He won a camera! Awesome!

These videos were really good! ;))))
Rofroze, 34sr, Kymaster, Icey24635 and Iceeman234s' clips will also be included in Epic Movie 5! congrats guys!!
William wrote this not me :
Now I have to talk to you about the "Vidmaster Hall of Fame" It is something that I have made to say thank you to all the best video makers on Chobots! The first person to enter the Hall of Fame is Kymaster! Well done ;)This is the link's all for now -William

Ill tell ya when epic movie 5 is finished...
